The road to heaven

The road to heaven is not easy. There are curves called Failure, loops
called confusion, speed bumps called Trials, and red lights called Enemies.
You will have flats called Sorrows. We need a spare called Determination, an engine called Perseverance, insurance called Faith, and a driver called Jesus, to make it to the place called heaven.
Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”


“When a person becomes interested in knowing God, Satan shakes his fist at God and makes the same charge he did with Job. Sometimes the Lord sees fit to allow him to try us—to prove whether or not our seeking of him is prompted by selfish motives, or whether we will love and trust God regardless of circumstances. This is the reason why things often seem to go worse, for a time, when we begin to seek a meaningful relationship with God. If we understand this, we will continue our communication with God, continue to trust Him no matter what happens, and then Satan is defeated.”

—Morris L. Venden, Faith That Works, page 128

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