Psalm 85:8
I will hear what God the LORD will say; For He will speak
peace to His people, to His godly ones;
Back when the telegraph was the fastest method of long
distance communication, a young man applied for a job as
a Morse Code operator. Answering an ad in the newspaper,
he went to the office that was listed. When he arrived,
he entered a large, busy office filled with noise and
clatter, including the sound of the telegraph in the
A sign on the receptionist’s counter instructed job
applicants to fill out a form and wait until they were
summoned to enter the inner office. The young man filled
out his form and sat down with the seven other applicants
in the waiting area.
After a few minutes, the young man stood up, crossed the
room to the door of the inner office, and walked right in.
Naturally the other applicants perked up, wondering what
was going on. They muttered among themselves that they
hadn’t heard any summons yet. They assumed that the young
man who went into the office made a mistake and would be
Within a few minutes, however, the employer escorted the
young man out of the office and said to the other
applicants, “Gentlemen, thank you for coming, but the job
has just been filled.”
The other applicants began grumbling to each other, and
one spoke up saying, “Wait a minute, I don’t understand.
He was the last to come in, and we never got a chance to be interviewed. Yet he
got the job. That’s not fair!”
The employer said, “I’m sorry, but the last several minutes
while you’ve been sitting here, the telegraph has been
ticking out the following message in Morse Code. ‘If you
understand this message, then come right in. The job is
yours.’ None of you heard it or understood it. This young
man did. The job is his.”
There is a lot of noise and clatter in our lives. Yet in
the background, God is talking to us, constantly sending us
His messages of love.
Previous Articles;
- A Thought for Your Day
- The choice of Lambs
- 1 Corinthians 10:13
- Be Thankful
- Thanksgiving Story
- Remembering God’s Unfailing Love
- Two Quarters
- Cell Phone vs Bible
- The 5 Finger Prayer
- Things Jesus Knew
- Directions Home
- Kids in Church
- Looking On The Inside
- The Concert
- Sand & Stone
- Christmas Poem of Liberty
- I believe this sums it up well
- Shoes
- Principles from God
- When You Find a Penny
- Do you know the harness of the Lord?
- What does Love mean?
- When You Thought I Wasn’t Looking
- What Love is All About
- Hello God
- Crabby Old Woman
- The Wooden Bowl
- My Master Will Be There
- Nail in the Fence
- Saying Thank You
- The amazing human mind
- The U in JesUs
- True Love
- Malachi 3:3
- Am I My Brother’s Keeper?
- Visiting Day
- “The Garbage Man; Give It Your Best”
- Lessons From the Geese
- Make a Right onto “Believeth Blvd.”
- Sabbath Blessings
- I believe
- Tax Assessor
- The 7 Ups
- Mother’s Elbows On My Bed
- The Fence
- 5 Important Lessons
- Wait
- Nice List
- Listen—Its beautiful
- Giants & Bayous
- Where God Wants Me To Be
- Hidden Gems
- The List
- The Stranger
- The Devil’s Beautitudes
- Psalm 85:8
- A Faithful Giver
- The Secret
- Darts & Jesus
- A Special Message
- Another Look At Psalm 23
- Is Your Hut Burning?
- The Mystery of The Plan
- Isn’t it strange
- One Day
- What if…
- Christian One Liners
- Great truths kids learned
- Great truths adults learned
- Great truths about growing old
- ‘Twas The Day After Christmas
- 11 Reasons
- God’s priorities
- Who’s your daddy?
- The Piano Lesson
- The Center of the Bible
- To Heavy A Cross
- A Father’s Example
- A Different Type of Prayer!!!
- I Made A 41
- 36 Stress Reducers
- Something to think about on Thanksgiving:
- The Sand Box
- The road to heaven
- The picture of Christ
- A Penny to remind you
- Listen Slowly
- Favorite Church Marquees
- Why go to church?
- Slingshots, Slaves, and a Duck
- ASAP: Always Say A Prayer
- Alphabet Prayer