He Who Hesitates…

Pastor Michael Wise

Happy new year friends! Did you make new year resolutions? Should I ask how you’re doing with them? Recently, I read an article that said most people give up their New Year’s Resolutions by January 12, according to a study’s claims: https://www.foxnews.com/lifestyle/most-people-give-up-new-years-resolutions-by-january-12-study-claims

You’ve probably heard the expression, “He who hesitates is lost”. But what if it was actually worse than the expression implies? If you or I lost our salvation that would be a tragedy, but if our actions led to our family losing theirs that would be a travesty!

Years ago, I read this story about William III: To quell a rebellion in Northern Scotland, he issued a proclamation to all the rebel chiefs to appear at a given place on or before Dec 31, 1691 and give allegiance to him, the king. Those that refused would be put to death as traitors. One by one the chiefs surrendered. Mac Ian was the leader of the smallest, but haughtiest, tribe. He intended to surrender, but he wanted to be the last due to his pride. A few days before the deadline he started out, a severe snow storm came up and prevented his journey till he was a week late. Mac Ian & his followers became victims of pride and hesitation.

Mac Ian’s pride, and his hesitancy, caused more than his loss. It caused the loss of his entire tribe!

In 2 Peter 2:6-8  Lot is referred to as a righteous man.

But even a righteous person can make some very poor choices.

His hesitation dramatically affected the lives of his family and of others for centuries.

In Genesis 12:1-4 & 13:1,5 we see Abram’s response to God seems to be unhesitating, even when asked to leave some of his family, his home, and home land behind and travel to an unknown place.

Genesis 13 describes a conversation between Abram and Lot after they entered Canaan:

Its in vs 9-13   As the younger nephew, Lot should have deferred first choice of the land to Uncle Abram, instead, he didn’t hesitate to choose the seemingly more fruitful and prosperous land – the plain of Jordan – as the home for him and his family, and left the hill country to Uncle Abraham”

Genesis 13:13 and 19:5-8,13  show that Lot had chosen a very wicked place, and its influence had even rubbed off on him. Gradually he was drawn in, from pitching his tents on the plain to dwelling in the city.

Genesis 14:(1-17) 13-16  describes Abram’s rescue story – when the cities of the plan were taken captive. Once again, Abram didn’t hesitate to rescue Lot and the rest of the prisoners and set them free.

I wonder, if this experience affected Lot’s later decisions. Could he have been embarrassed that Uncle Abram had to rescue him?

By Genesis 19 we see angels have visited the city and are met by Lot and taken to his home. They are on a mission, and they don’t hesitate to explain the plan

In verses 12-13  they give Lot some commands. I would hope that if angels from heaven appeared to us and gave us commands or warnings of imp[ending destruction we would spring to action, but do we spring to action or do we hesitate to follow God’s written counsel of His prophets? Isn’t this world facing an impending destruction?

But Lot had chosen the easy life, the city offered quick prosperity, shopping malls, entertainment.

Hosea 8:7 talks of sowing the wind and reaping the whirlwind. “They sow the wind, And reap the whirlwind.”

And Lot begins to reap the effects his choices and hesitancy have on his family

Verses 13-15  describe how the husbands of his married daughters didn’t believe him. They wouldn’t follow him to safety, but he still had his 2 younger daughters & his wife.   

Divine providence can point a person to the safe track, but it can’t make them follow it.

Again comes a command in verse 17 “Arise….Escape to the mountains”

     Who was over the mountains, who resided in the hill country?   “Uncle Abram”

But please notice verse 16

“And while he lingered….”   

     What’s another word for linger? Hesitate!

Vs 16-20    

  • Lot lingered
  • he argued
  • he rationalized…..Its to far, I’ll die
  • he countered with his own wants….

              Well, le me go to the “little city” (zoar)

Did you realize Lot was actually talking with Jesus? Jesus is so patient with Lot, and with us. He consented with the admonition that He wouldn’t do anything till they were safe. (Verse 22)    

Friends, Jesus’ work of judgment can’t be finished till

the work of the Three Angels Message, our work is completed and everyone who will follow it is safe.

What was the result of Lot’s lingering?

He made it save but… notice these verses:

Vs 24-26   His wife was lost, she had time to

    ponder and doubt and looked back.

Vs 27-29   Abraham waits –like the prodigal’s father,

     hoping his family will return to safety

Vs 30  But Lot still didn’t go back to Abraham,

     He and his two remaining daughters hid in some


The city may have had its effects on his daughters too 

Vs 30, 32, 36, 38   They look at their situation, realizing dad isn’t going anywhere, and they get him drunk and commit incest with him.

Why did Lot linger?

What made him hesitant to return to Abraham?

  • Had he forgotten Abraham’s love for him?
  • How he had given him first choice of the land and delivered him when he was captured by the enemy?
  • Was he too proud or ashamed to return and receive help?
  • Did he think he wouldn’t be welcome anymore?

We need to remember the cost of hesitation!

Lot was saved, he who hesitates may not be lost…

but what about his family? What a terrible cost to pay.

“If Lot himself had manifested no hesitancy to obey the angels’ warning, but had earnestly fled toward the mountains, without one word of pleading or remonstrance, his wife also would have made her escape. The influence of his example would have saved her from the sin that sealed her doom. But his hesitancy and delay caused her to lightly regard the divine warning.” PP 161:2

What about us and our families…?

In this story I see parallels between Abraham and


I can only imagine how the Trinity anxiously, excitedly,

expectantly awaited for the fullness of time when

Christ could be born – Emmanuel, God with us!

  • Christ didn’t hesitate to leave the glory of heaven and become our Sacrifice.
  • He didn’t hesitate to take our sins, to take our cross, so we could be rescued.
  • He gives us freedom to choose how & where we’ll


  • But He bids us flee from evil, He warns us that a judgment is coming.


Jesus was a Man who didn’t linger or hesitate!        

We can be men, women , even children without hesitation.

  • By believing His promises
  • Accepting His love and grace
  • By obeying His instructions


Illus: There is a story told how one day Satan gathered his angels to see how they could best overcome men. One demon suggested they tell man the Bible is a fable. “We’ve tried that one”, another said. Another suggested they tell man God no longer loves them, “that’s been done too” cried another. Finally one demon stood and said they should tell man that there is a loving God, and a Savior, that there is a heaven and hell, but they can wait and decide tomorrow, there is no rush. At that, all the demons smiled.

Friend, have you had the Holy Spirit prompting you to do something for God?

2 Corinthians 6:2 says  “For he says, In an acceptable time I have heard you, And in the day of salvation I have helped you. Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.)”

As he spoke to the Israelites, Joshua said

Joshua 24:14,15  “Now therefore fear the LORD, and serve him in sincerity and in truth: and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the flood, and in Egypt; and serve ye the LORD. 15  And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.

The gospel story of the prodigal teaches us how God is patiently, lovingly, waiting for you. He doesn’t hold your past as a grudge. He wants you with Him. 

Please don’t hesitate, will you follow the Lamb where ever He leads?

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