Allow me to introduce my family and myself; Julie, my lovely wife, Michelle, our precious daughter, and myself. Julie was born in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, to Adventist parents and raised in the Adventist truth in Michigan. Among 5 children, I was the only son. I spent the first twenty-three years of my life in a small community called Cedar Lake, MI. I fondly remember going to church with my mother at a very young age. I enjoyed the stories and games in Sabbath School as well as meeting my friends and others. Though her connection to the church and organized religion was severed, my grandmother continued to take me and my sisters to church and was a strong spiritual influence in my life. I attended the local Adventist Elementary School and, while unfortunately not converted, I was baptized while in the seventh grade. My father was strongly opposed to religion but finally, reluctantly, agreed to let me attend Cedar Lake Academy (high school).
From a young age I remember a call to ministry. While registering for freshman classes I was asked what career I hoped to follow in the future. Spontaneously a thought came to my mind and from my mouth, “a minister”. I tried to dismiss the thought and words even though I felt they had come from Someone who had a larger plan for my life than I could imagine. Academy life was spent studying and working; mostly working, to help pay the tuition cost, though I did have the opportunity to meet a lovely young lady named Julie – a fellow classmate. On several occasions during this time in high school, the Lord laid the same message on my heart but I wasn’t ready to consider it. Instead I graduated in 1978 and continued to work and attend college classes part time. God’s plan and the implanted desire to be a minister would lay dormant for several years.
During my college years I also began developing associations with people who had no interest in spiritual matters. In time I returned to college full time while working, pursuing and receiving an associates degree (AAS) in Ophthalmic Dispensing. I seemingly lost my interest in God. I’m grateful God never lost interest in me. The next 10 years were spent managing optical dispensaries. It was during that time, that the Lord allowed me to go through the most intense and trying times of my life. But this left me with a desire to find and experience Jesus Christ as I had never known Him before – as my Friend, my Lord and my personal Savior. I praise the Lord now for those trials that eventually led me to Him.
In earnest prayer, I asked God to show me His will for my life. Shortly after this, a mutual friend introduced me to that former classmate in Academy. Julie and I were married and began to be active participants in church.
When the pastor, Pastor Wiese, held evangelistic meetings, Julie and I faithfully attended and even helped in various areas. A love for evangelism and soul winning was planted in my heart. While attending this series of Bible prophecy meetings I felt the sweet presence of the Lord in my heart. Realizing my conversion and love for his Savior Jesus Christ, I re-committed my life to God. I still had much to learn and grow in, but I loved my Savior and wanted to follow Him wherever He led, at any cost. At the conclusion of the meetings, Julie and I were re-baptized into Jesus, and His church, November 15, 1990.
I enjoyed my work, God had blessed me at what I did, but I quit so I could return to college and finish a goal – a BA in Business Administration. I graduated from Ferris State University in 1993 and accepted a new job opportunity. Initially I was commuting between two cities several states apart. I was now happily active in two churches. I generally ignored church members’ and pastor’s positive comments on my pastoral and preaching skills. It was during one particular weekend home, the pastor and his wife both shared their convictions that God wanted me to attend the Adventist Seminary at Andrews University and become a minister. God quickly and strongly revived His call to ministry in my heart, but I still wasn’t sure it was God’s call. So I did what I had finally learned, through hard experience, was best – pray, let God lead, and be prepared to follow.
Through many providential events God brought conviction to me that this was indeed His call to ministry. Sponsored only by the “conference of God” we moved to Berrien Springs where, through Divine providence, Julie found work as an RN that did not require Sabbath work, and I pursued seminary studies, finishing my M.Div. in December 1996. Shortly before finishing school, we were blessed with Michelle, an energetic baby girl who has brought much joy, and parental learning, into our lives.
Since graduating, I have been blessed by God to win souls and make disciples while pastoring in the Michigan Conference. He has blessed me and my family with wonderful church families and special friends. While Jesus is my greatest joy, and my family next, my next greatest joy is in serving people in His congregations and in the communities – leading people to Jesus and to active ministry for Him.
The Lord has blessed my ministry, my love for evangelism and soul winning with precious people who have made decisions to give their all to Jesus, to be His disciples for His kingdom. My life has been blessed with several short-term mission trips, holding health outreach, building churches, and holding evangelistic campaigns.
I have many favorite Bible verses, but two that are especially dear to me are Jeremiah 29:11-13 and 1 John 5:11-13 which speak of God’s plan to bring His children a hopeful future and of the assurance of salvation in Jesus Christ. My goal is to share the good news of the gospel and the hope of Jesus’ soon coming trusting so you too will want Jesus in your heart – His peace, His joy, and be living faithfully for Him when He returns.