Is Your Hut Burning?
The only survivor of a shipwreck was washed up on a small, uninhabited island.
He prayed feverishly for God to rescue him, and every day he scanned the
horizon for help, but none seemed forthcoming.
Exhausted, he eventually managed to build a little hut out of driftwood to
protect him from the elements, and to store his few possessions.
But then one day, after scavenging for food, he arrived home to find his
little hut in flames, the smoke rolling up to the sky.
The worst had happened; everything was lost. He was stunned with grief and
anger. “God, how could you do this to me!” he cried.
Early the next day, however, he was awakened by the sound of a ship that was
approaching the island. It had come to rescue him.
” How did you know I was here?” asked the weary man of his rescuers.
” We saw your smoke signal,” they replied.
It is easy to get discouraged when things are going bad. But we shouldn’t
lose heart, because God is at work in our lives, even in the midst of pain
and suffering.
Remember, next time your little hut is burning to the ground — it just may
be a smoke signal that summons the grace of God.
For all the negative things we have to say to ourselves, God has a positive
answer for it.
You say: “It’s impossible.”
God says: All things are possible. (Luke 18:27)
You say: “I’m too tired.”
God says: I will give you rest. ( Matt 11:28-20)
You say: “Nobody really loves me.”
God says: I love you. (John 3:16 & John 13:34)
You say: “I can’t go on.”
God says: My grace is sufficient. (II Cor.12:9 & Psalm 91:15)
You say: “I can’t figure things out.”
God says: I will direct your steps. (Proverbs 3:5-6)
You say: “I can’t do it.”
God says: You can do all things. (Phil 4:13)
You say: “I’m not able.”
God says: I am able. (II Cor.9:8)
You say: “It’s not worth it.”
God says: It will be worth it. (Romans 8:28)
You say: “I can’t forgive myself.”
God says: I forgive you. (I John 1:9 & Romans 8:1)
You say: “I can’t manage.”
God says: I will supply all your needs. (Phil 4:19)
You say: “I’m afraid.”
God says: I have not given you a spirit of fear. (II Tim. 1:7)
You say: “I’m always worried and frustrated.”
God says: Cast all your cares on ME. (I Peter 5:7)
You say: “I don’t have enough faith.”
God says: I’ve given everyone a measure of faith. (Romans 12:3)
You say: “I’m not smart enough.”
God says: I give you wisdom. (I Cor 1:30)
You say: “I feel all alone.”
God says: I will never leave you or forsake you. (Heb. 13:5)
Previous Articles;
- A Thought for Your Day
- The choice of Lambs
- 1 Corinthians 10:13
- Be Thankful
- Thanksgiving Story
- Remembering God’s Unfailing Love
- Two Quarters
- Cell Phone vs Bible
- The 5 Finger Prayer
- Things Jesus Knew
- Directions Home
- Kids in Church
- Looking On The Inside
- The Concert
- Sand & Stone
- Christmas Poem of Liberty
- I believe this sums it up well
- Shoes
- Principles from God
- When You Find a Penny
- Do you know the harness of the Lord?
- What does Love mean?
- When You Thought I Wasn’t Looking
- What Love is All About
- Hello God
- Crabby Old Woman
- The Wooden Bowl
- My Master Will Be There
- Nail in the Fence
- Saying Thank You
- The amazing human mind
- The U in JesUs
- True Love
- Malachi 3:3
- Am I My Brother’s Keeper?
- Visiting Day
- “The Garbage Man; Give It Your Best”
- Lessons From the Geese
- Make a Right onto “Believeth Blvd.”
- Sabbath Blessings
- I believe
- Tax Assessor
- The 7 Ups
- Mother’s Elbows On My Bed
- The Fence
- 5 Important Lessons
- Wait
- Nice List
- Listen—Its beautiful
- Giants & Bayous
- Where God Wants Me To Be
- Hidden Gems
- The List
- The Stranger
- The Devil’s Beautitudes
- Psalm 85:8
- A Faithful Giver
- The Secret
- Darts & Jesus
- A Special Message
- Another Look At Psalm 23
- Is Your Hut Burning?
- The Mystery of The Plan
- Isn’t it strange
- One Day
- What if…
- Christian One Liners
- Great truths kids learned
- Great truths adults learned
- Great truths about growing old
- ‘Twas The Day After Christmas
- 11 Reasons
- God’s priorities
- Who’s your daddy?
- The Piano Lesson
- The Center of the Bible
- To Heavy A Cross
- A Father’s Example
- A Different Type of Prayer!!!
- I Made A 41
- 36 Stress Reducers
- Something to think about on Thanksgiving:
- The Sand Box
- The road to heaven
- The picture of Christ
- A Penny to remind you
- Listen Slowly
- Favorite Church Marquees
- Why go to church?
- Slingshots, Slaves, and a Duck
- ASAP: Always Say A Prayer
- Alphabet Prayer